All visitors/clients, please read and understand the content on this page before engaging the services. 

Use of Website:

The information presented on this website is intended for general purposes and cannot answer personal health related questions or problems. The information presented here should not be used to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition or problem. If you are experiencing any health related problems, please consult your health professional or emergency medical personnel. The information presented here should not be considered medical advice or imply that any personal action should be taken. You should first discuss any physical, lifestyle and dietary changes with your health or medical professional. In no event shall Kah Fitness be held liable for any damages directly or indirectly, resulting from the use of the information contained on this website. Any person relying on any of the information contained on this website or making any use of the information contained here, shall do so at their own risk. 


Before/after pictures, results of clients and testimonials are for reference only. They do not imply, or guarantee, that you will get the same results. Your results might vary. 

Use of Service:

Payment is made full upfront as a sign of your commitment. Payment methods include cash and bank transfer only. You agree that all information provided to us is accurate. Kah Fitness & its personal trainers accept no liability for any injuries, illness or death. You enter into the exercise program entirely at your own risk. You should consult a medical practitioner before engaging in any physical activity or start any diet plan. 

Late or Absence for Training:

You are to give your personal trainer at least 12 hours notice for cancellation of training session after it is being set. Failure to do so or complete absence for the training session will still be charged. For emergency situation, cases will be reviewed whether the missed session will be charged or not.

Some examples are given below:​

Death/Wake/Hospitalization/Accident - In general cases, missed session will not be charged.

Flu/Diarrhea/Headache/Cough/Fever/General Unwell - Depending on severity as well as client's past commitment level, cases will be review. In general, the symptoms of such illness should have already been known at least 12 hours before hand thus should still be able to inform for cancellation without being charged. However, if request for cancellation is made only at 2 hours before the commencement of the session, it will be charged. As Kah Fitness do not practice upfront payment to pressurize commitment level, it is up to your discipline to stay committed to the training through your actions as well as to treat your trainer with respect and professionalism.

Refund Policy:

All sessions are non-transferable and non-refundable. 


All forms of contact details (eg. Email, Phone) received by Kah Fitness, including for queries or booking of services, will be automatically agreed upon to receive marketing or promotional material.